Tech Night for December

We’re going to hold a session prior to December 4th Tech Night to assist anyone who does not have their clock working. Looking to start at 5:30.  Ill send more details as we get closer to the date

Tech Night December 4th 7:00 PM – SB-101 project – Dan, N8IE

I have received 5 addition clocks. All of those are spoken for. I ordered 8 more and should have those by December 4th for anyone that wants to rebuild their clock or wants to do their first build. Please let me know if you need one. They are $10

The following is a link to some information on the build that may be useful to those that are working through any issue:

No need to be embarrassed if your kit has an issue as a result of the build. There is no one including myself that has not accidentally burnt components,  created a solder issue, etc. That is how most of us learn. I have already burnt out $70 of worth microprocessors this year and year is not over.

A couple of things to check based on Stu’s and class participants issues found with some of the builds:

  1. Make sure these chips are in the correct location and facing the correct direction (there is a notch on design on the board, socket and chip. They should all align:
    1. U1-6     CD4511 DIP16 BCD-to-7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver  x6          √
    2. U7-9.    CD4518 DIP16 Dual BCD Up Counter  x3          √
    3. U12       CD4081 DIP14 Quad 2-Input AND Buffered B Series Gate       x1          √
    4. U10       CD4060 DIP16 14-Stage Ripple Carry Binary Counters           x1          √
    5. U11       CD4013 DIP14 Dual D-Type Flip-Flop.  x1          √
    6. If the chips were put in the wrong location its possible one is now cooked. You will need to replace it. Post a note and there is a good chance a member has 1 or more in their collect. The cost is very low for most of them.
  2. Check all your solder joints. You probably will need a magnifying glass to check.  I need to check if one of our members can bring a electronic scope to next tech night
  3. Please respond to this email if there was any other issues found

I am glad so many have had such a good time building the kit.

We’re looking for a new kit for a future build. Let Stu and myself know if you find something interesting.

Bob French