Where It’s All BARC and No Bite!
Click here for repeater status.
147.045+ (118.8 Hz tone) (Analog, AllStar, and EchoLink)
443.675+ (118.8 Hz tone) (Analog and System Fusion)
442.675+ (118.8 Hz tone) (BAR)
Net every Sunday night at 8:00 pm on 147.045+ (118.8 Hz).
Membership Meeting on third Thursday of each month.
Scroll down for the latest news!
Greetings, Looking at the weather tonight, the freezing rain is starting in Bellbrook right before my meeting tonight. While we’re not expecting much rain at all, any freezing rain is …
Please join us at the February Membership meeting where I will discuss Yaesu System Fusion digital modes, Wires-X, and using them on the BARC repeater to talk around the world. …
NanoVNA Hands on Lab – February 26th at 7:00 PM Hands on Lab utilizing personal NanoVNA for Antenna testing and improvements. Please bring your NanoVNA along. If you do not …