Membership Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month with a social starting at 7:00 pm followed by a presentation and business meeting at 7:30 pm. All are welcome! Meetings are held at the BARC clubhouse at 51 South East Street, Bellbrook, OH, 45305. Enter on the south side of the old school building (with the antennas on top). The clubhouse is the first room on the right down the stairs. Parking is around back.
If you are unable to climbs stairs, please call on the BARC repeater 147.045 MHz (+ offset, 118.8 Hz tone) or call the clubhouse phone 937-310-1381 and someone will direct you to another entrance.
To join the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club, you can come to any of our meetings or movie night. Please fill out a membership registration form and bring it with you along with your dues payment. Yearly dues are $15.00 per person or $18.00 per family for both New and Returning members. New members who are also newly licensed hams can choose to receive a free year’s membership or a new handheld radio with a full-year’s dues payment. Dues are payable beginning in November for the following year and must be paid by March 1 for an Active Membership. Dues can be paid in several ways.
- Bring cash or a check made out to BARC to the monthly club Membership meeting.
- Mail a check made out to BARC to the club at P.O. Box 73, Bellbrook, OH 45305.
- Pay using PayPal Friends and Family by sending your payment to
ARRL Discounted Membership Offer BARC members are reminded that one of the benefits of Club membership is the opportunity to become an ARRL member at a discounted price. Effective January 1, 2016, ARRL membership will increase from $39 to $49 per year. This is the first increase in a number of years. BARC is an ARRL affiliated club and receives a commission for new first-time ARRL memberships transacted through the Club. BARC passes on this discount as a club membership benefit in order to promote ARRL membership. BARC members currently receive a $15 discount on a NEW first year ARRL membership cost when placed through the Club. You can download the form here and mail to ARRL.
Kroger’s Rewards Program. Please remember to use your Kroger Card when shopping at Kroger’s and support BARC through the Kroger Rewards Program. If you have not yet signed up and need help, please bring your Kroger Card to the next BARC meeting and we’ll help you get registered. You can signup on line at, enter 83789 at organization prompt.