BARC Net (Sundays at 8:00 pm)
Join us every Sunday at 8:00 pm for the BARC Net where it’s all BARC and no bite! The BARC Net is on the 2m repeater at 147.045 MHz (+ offset and no tone). If the 2m repeater is unavailable, we will move to the 440 repeater at 443.675 MHz (+ offset and no tone). We especially encourage new hams to join in the fun! Click the title for more information about the repeaters.
Operating Afternoon (First Sunday of Each Month at 2:00 pm)
Operating Afternoon is intended for new hams and members who have questions about what to do now that they have a license. The focus is on operating techniques and getting on the air as easily and quickly as possible. This is the place to bring all your ham-related questions about radios, antennas, jargon, contests, and operating on the air. Operating Afternoon events are generally on the first Sunday of each month at around 2:00 pm. Watch for the announcements! Click the title to view past presentations.
Planning Meeting (First Thursday at 7:30 pm)
The first Thursday of every month is a Planning Meeting which begins at 7:30 pm at the clubhouse. This meeting generally involves officers and coordinators, but all members are welcome to attend. Planning for the future of the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club including budgets, programs, maintenance of repeaters and the clubhouse are just some of the topics addressed.
Tech Night
Tech Night has been stopped until further notice.
Tech Night is always held the second Thursday of every month at the clubhouse beginning at 7:00 pm. These meetings involve a deep dive into amateur radio technology and explore areas like digital voice and data, amplifier design, software-defined radios, and detailed reviews of topics like APRS. Click the title to view past presentations.
Membership Meeting (Third Thursday at 7:00 pm)
The BARC Membership Meeting is held on the third Thursday of every month at the clubhouse. These meetings begin with a social half-hour at 7:00 pm that usually involves lots of good food and camaraderie. The business meeting begins at 7:30 pm with a short program presentation on a topic of general interest followed by a formal business meeting. The night usually wraps up around 9 pm. Click the title to view past presentations.
Movie Night (Fourth Thursday at 7:00 pm)
A club favorite is Movie Night on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the clubhouse. We choose a fun movie and show it on the big screen with popcorn and lots of good food. Always a fun time!
One of BARC’s main purposes is to train and educate people in the art of amateur radio. We do this by providing guide books for new hams and by sponsoring license classes and exams. Click the title for more information.
The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club (BARC) began as a communications support group for the City of Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Township Disaster Plan following the 1974 Xenia tornado and was officially founded July 4, 1976, with 20 charter members. This section contains the Emergency Communications (EmComm) information for BARC.
Field Day
One of BARC’s biggest yearly events is Field Day. During Field Day, we set up a number of antennas and radio stations at Sackett-Wright Park and try to make as many contacts as possible over a single weekend. We have dinner at the park and enjoy the company of our fellow hams as well as local dignitaries who stop by to see what amateur radio is all about. Field Day is always the 4th full weekend in June. Click here for photos form past Field Days.
Contesting or Radiosport
Throughout the year, BARC members participate in several contests that challenge operators to make as many contacts as possible over HF or VHF using phone, digital, or CW. The clubhouse has 4 stations and an array of antennas for this purpose. Click on the title for more information.
Public Service Events
BARC members participate in many Public Service Events throughout the year. The main club events are the Sugar Maple Festival Parade in April and the Lion’s Club Parade in August. Click the title for more information.