Ham Station and Tower for Sale
If anyone is interested in a complete HF set up, I’m thinking about selling mine including the Rohn 70 ft. tower and the 3 element SteppIR. Radio is a Yaesu …
If anyone is interested in a complete HF set up, I’m thinking about selling mine including the Rohn 70 ft. tower and the 3 element SteppIR. Radio is a Yaesu …
The clubhouse was open last Saturday afternoon, January 21, for the North American QSO Party, SSB edition. Five intrepid operators worked 10, 15, and 20 meters using the IC-7300 radios …
Paul Sharp, WS8R, presented Parks On The Air, 101, at the January General Membership Meeting. His informative overview described what Parks On The Air or POTA was, where to create …
The clubhouse will be open next Saturday, January 21, for the North American QSO Party from 12:30 pm until about 6 pm or later if there is interest. You are …
The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a Winter Field Day on Saturday, January 28, from 1400 to 1800 EST at the Hills and Dales MetroPark Paw Paw shelter (2471 …
The Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) in conjunction with ICOM® America, Inc. is announcing a program to recognize and reward amateur radio operators who have played a key role in …
The latest edition of the BARC Newsletter, Full Quieting, is now available! This edition has many great articles including learning CW, getting on the air in 2023, Lunch Bunch, Special …