The BARC Communication Center uses an antenna system on the rooftop of the school building. There are two towers with rotators that can be controlled from any station. At the top of each tower is a dual band VHF/UHF vertical antenna with a multi-band beam just below. Attached to the towers are two multi-band fan dipoles for 80-60-40 meters and an inverted-L for 160 meters. There is also an R9 vertical for 80-10 meters.
Spaced around the metal rooftop edge are several magnetic mount VHF/UHF antennas for the mobile radios.
Tower 1
Multi-Band Beam 10-12-15-17-20 meters
Tri-band 6-2 meter 70 cm VHF/UHF vertical
6 meter SSB Yagi
Tower 2
Three-Element Beam 12-17 meters
2 meter 70 cm SSB 10-element Yagi
Dual band 2 meter 70 cm vertical on tower
R9 Multiband Vertical 80-10 meters
160 meter inverted-L
Two 80-60-40 meter fan dipoles
Multiple magnetic mount 2 meter 70 cm VHF/UHF antennas

A patch panel is used to connect any radio to any antenna so that all stations have access to whatever antenna is needed. The rotor patch panel allows any station to control the rotor on either tower. A fully-equipped workbench is used to repair radios, coax, and other radio equipment. Members are welcome to use the workbench to repair or test their own radio equipment. The workbench has connections to a dummy load and to the antenna patch panel for testing radios.