Hamvention is finally back this weekend! Be sure to wear your BARC gear and watch for Tink, KD8NUA, so she can take your picture. Also, be sure to check out the Flea Market and look for the bright blue BARC Tent in booths 7662-7663. Stop in to rest in the shade and chat.
If you are new to amateur radio and Hamvention, don’t be intimidated! You can stop at the Media Truck outside the gate near the Ticket Booth and ask for John Westerkamp, W8LRJ, Henry Ruminski, W8HJR, Jim Gifford, KD8APT, or Dan Minnix, KD8YNG. They are all working there and would be happy to show you around or answer any questions. Watch for other members in the BARC blue shirt or hat and tag along! If nothing else, don’t miss the great food!