Operating Afternoon Returns!

Once again BARC has another fun event for all who might be interested… an Operating Day & Antenna Build(s) at our clubhouse on Sunday, March 12, at 2 pm!  As mentioned at our last membership meeting and Sunday night Net, I’d like to offer a 10M Vertical Dipole antenna build, test, and operate on Sunday afternoon beginning at 14:00.  The build is very simple and should be fun for anyone wishing for a quick build. And as you’re all aware, part of the fun of ham radio is experimenting and “getting your hands dirty”.  I’m all for the experimenting, see what works and how well, but sometimes the things I’ve tried didn’t really work out the way I’d expected.  When that happens, I’m reminded that I didn’t fail… I simply found one way that it didn’t work!  That in itself is a valuable lesson (at least to my way of thinking).

So that being said… If you’re interested in building an antenna that works and is simple and quick to build… meet me at the clubhouse on the prescribed date & time.  If you’re in agreement that the experimentation itself is fun and worthwhile… meet me at the clubhouse on the prescribed date & time!  Because we’re not just building A antenna… we’ll be building at least 2 (no more than 4 so you don’t need to bring your dinner).  I’ve been given some fantastic ideas, and really want to try them out.  All antennas will be 10M (probably … maybe slip in a 6M just to see if you’re paying attention).  

After we build and test for efficiency… some lucky victim (uh … meant to say person) can take home one of the antennas if you have a place for it. Hint… one of these ‘should’ work well in an attic!  It’s all fun, all BARC, and definitely No Bite!  So mark your calendar and show up… no need to register or commit, just come out and either learn something… or teach me something, but definitely have fun.

