This is a reminder to add the 118.8 Hz tone to BOTH the 2m and 440 BARC repeaters. If the 2m repeater is not working, we will move the Sunday BARC net to the 440 repeater and you don’t want to miss out!
147.045 (+) (118.8 Hz tone) Analog FM only repeater supports AllStar and EchoLink
443.675 (+) (118.8 Hz tone) Auto-switch repeater between Analog FM and System Fusion supports Wires-X
BARC also has a local repeater that was built in-house for Tech Night. It also uses a 118.8 Hz tone and may be used in future parades and other public service events so be sure to add this repeater and tone to your programming.
442.675 (+) (118.8 Hz tone) BARC BAR repeater at the clubhouse (mostly local communication)