Location: BARC Club House
Date & Time: Sunday, January 12th at 2:00 PM
Everyone is welcome regardless of your license level or experience.
- What is POTA
- POTA Hunting
- Explanation
- Operate Club & member Radios.
- Discussion
- Winter Field Day Discussion
- Most successful portable antenna members used during 2024.
- What Antennas are people building or buying for 2025?
- General Discussion and show and tell.
i. QRP
ii. 20+ Watts
- Feedback if requested?
- Group band plan for outings. Frequencies, modes etc.
- What kind of filtering is needed?
- HF Vehicle Setup
- Rig, Battery, display, computer, Antennas
- Plan a Winter Breakfast and outing?
- Next Outing tentative date selection