Field Day Moving Indoors to Clubhouse

BARC Members,

I have been monitoring the weather forecasts for this weekend and have concerns about the high temperatures and humidity through the entire Field Day weekend.  After consulting with our club officers and coordinators, there is widespread consensus that we should move our Field Day activities indoors, into the BARC clubhouse.  It’s my decision, as your club President, to move our Field Day activities into the BARC clubhouse this year due to the extreme heat and probability of afternoon thunderstorms Sunday.  While this is arguably the single most fun event of the year for BARC, I need to balance that against the safety of all participants.  Many of us are especially vulnerable to heat and higher levels of unhealthy air we may experience this weekend.  And disassembling our outdoor antennas during high probabilities of thunderstorms is something that we should avoid if we  have the ability, which we do.

To make this happen smoothly, I’d like John Westerkamp, W8LRJ, our acting Field Day Coordinator (in Glenn’s absence), and the Field Day Committee members to work together with me to adjust our Field Day activities to match the conditions in the BARC clubhouse.  For example, which antennas and stations can be used, what our formal station class should be, any modifications to the education program, served agency guest and media notifications, the social (i.e. eating) activities, and so on.  Be prepared to discuss all these changes at the Membership meeting Thursday night.  In the meantime, let’s keep the e-mails going between us to sort all of this out.  John can present all these changes in his scheduled presentation (thanks in advance, John!).

In spite of this change, I expect Field Day to still be the single best event of the year for BARC.  We’re blessed to have such a fine Clubhouse to fall back on when weather is not our friend.  Let’s make the most of it!

And stay hydrated!



Ray Hitt N8VMX
BARC President
Full Quieting Newsletter Editor