BARC Winter Field Day 2025, 25 January
Twin Oaks Shelter, Hills & Dales
2655 S. Patterson Blvd
WFD Website and Rules
N3FJP WFD Logging Program
WFD Bulletin Schedule
Setup & Socializing is 15:00 UTC (10:00 EST)
Radio Start Time is 16:00 UTC (11:00 EST)
Parking is somewhat limited… and you will probably be parking 2 vehicles deep (suggest you get there early if you intend to remain all day so others can come and go easily). There is NO “shore power” at this facility so plan to use battery power for your radio. There will be 1 generator for crockpots if needed. There are 4 tables, 1 will be reserved for food & drinks.
The Class that we will operate in will be determined at the site as it is dependent upon the number of radios in use. If you intend to bring some food to share, please let us know at the upcoming BARC Membership meeting. We will have a “WFD Exchange Script” available on site.
All radio activity is suggested to be done under BARC Call Sign (W8DGN), recommend logging be done via E-log (like Field Day), but you can use paper log if preferred… however, to have logs submitted by John Westerkamp all logs must be given to him by 1 February and MUST be in ADIF electronic form. All modes are accepted for WFD EXCEPT FT8/4.
This has been a fun event for BARC over the past few years, so come out and enjoy the fun and friendship with us this year. For any questions please look online at: (2025) or bring your questions to the BARC Membership Meeting on the 16th.
If you are unable to join us for Winter Field Day this Saturday, you can still help out with the following items for which we get points. See the website for WFD details.
1. Copy the WFD Bulletin (see schedule above) and send it to me.
2. Contact us on VHF and UHF simplex. We will be listening on the BARC simplex frequency 147.405 MHz and also on the UHF simplex calling frequency 446.00 MHz. We may be busy at times, so try again later if you cannot reach us. If you are working from home, your exchange is 1H OH. If you are mobile, your exchange is 1M OH. Since this is a simplex contact, it would be better to use a mobile radio with higher power, but an HT would be fine if you are not too far away.
Thanks for your help with BARC Winter Field Day!