BARC Special Event Station W8W

The Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club (BARC) will commemorate the 121st anniversary of powered flight by honoring the pioneers of powered flight, Orville and Wilbur Wright.

On December 17, 2024, 9am until 7pm, members of the club will operate a special event station from the BARC clubhouse, and each of you are invited to participate. Come and join us for an hour, or two–or be part of the event the whole day. Every amateur may participate, just like we do on Field Day, because we are under the club’s special event callsign of W8W.

Special event stations are often operated by amateur radio clubs in honor of historic events or notable historic people. We have four stations that will be occupied by licensed operators contacting other licensed amateur radio operators who will communicate from all over the United States and the world via high frequency radio transmissions.

A color flyer will be emailed to each amateur radio operator who contacts the club on the radio and requests a flyer. The flyer is attached.

To receive a PDF certificate via email, send a request to and be sure to include your callsign.

As we approach the day of the event, please let either Jim Gifford ( or Glenn Rodgers ( know about when you may be available. We want everyone to have an equal opportunity to operate a radio and enjoy the fun.

Special Event Flyer

To check if you have made a contact with us, please use the search box below.